Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy 2010!

Thank goodness for a long weekend! I always feel less pressure to work on more knitting when I have an extra day off. Today, I have happily organized a bunch of photos from this summer and uploaded my Christmas pictures from last week. I also got to play around with Photoshop Elements which I received for Christmas. The direction booklet is not the most helpful, so it was a lot of trial and error, but I was able to successfully edit some pictures and list a new baby sweater in my store! Actually, the Adobe website has some helpful videos. Unfortunately for me, my computer kept restarting the videos at random times, so it wasn't too helpful.

I have one other knitting project in the works. All I have left to do is sew a button onto a dog sweater, and then I can get that ready to post as well. I have loved all my dog sweaters so far, but this one seems to have an odd shape to it. I love when you get to the last part of a pattern and realize that the directions don't really add up. Sigh... so I had to improvise a little bit, and maybe I should have improvised a little bit differently! This sweater is also larger than my other sweaters, so perhaps I'm having a hard time with that. But it will be in my store soon, and another project will be finished!

After cleaning up the apartment, the next big project is deciding what knitting project to start next! I received two new knitting books for Christmas that I absolutely love ("Vintage Knits for Modern Babies" and "Doggie Knits")! I also received my annual day by day knitting calendar, so I am all set with patterns for a while. Now the fun begins in decided what to make first. Happy knitting!

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